
An Evolutionary Algorithm to Mine High-Utility Itemsets


Jerry chun Wei Lin, Lu Yang, Philippe Fournier Viger, Jaroslav Frnda, Lukas Sevcik, Miroslav Voznak


DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v13i4.1474


High-utility itemset mining (HUIM) is a critical issue in recent years since it can be used to reveal the profitable products by considering both the quantity and profit factors instead of frequent itemset mining (FIM) of association rules (ARs). In this paper, an evolutionary algorithm is presented to efficiently mine high-utility itemsets (HUIs) based on the binary particle swarm optimization. A maximal pattern (MP)-tree strcutrue is further designed to solve the combinational problem in the evolution process. Substantial experiments on real-life datasets show that the proposed binary PSO-based algorithm has better results compared to the state-of-the-art GA-based algorithm.

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